Tony Gifford Custom Saddlery
Australian Stock Saddles
This saddle won first prize in the Stock Saddle section of the Sydney Royal Show 2019 plus the Standard of Excellence and overall winner in the equine related entries in the Arts & Crafts section

The Royal Poley (Flap) AUD $POA
Completely hand sewn - a traditional Australian stock saddle of contemporary design
10 Stitches to the Inch
Coloured kangaroo skin inserts & welts (your colour choice)
All hardware is Gold Plated including stirrups
Built on Australian made wood/steel trees
Made from hand selected Black English leather
A deep-seated close-contact saddle with long leg flaps
Serge lined, all natural wool packed panels
Hand made sole leather knee pads, hand stitched to the flap with sole leather backing
Standard Mounts - 2.5" stirrup leathers, four buckle leather girth/surcingle top, four bar stirrups